Top 3 Training Implements for Well-Behaved Canines

As we all know, dog training is no quick and easy endeavor, it takes time, patience, and determination. At the end of the day, it’s possible to bring your dog to a proficient level of understanding in most respects, using nothing but a reassuring voice and some tasty snacks. However, this isn’t always the easiest approach. Because of the widespread popularity of dogs, there has been an explosion in the production of dog training equipment. Some of these tools are near essential, while others are looking to scam you out of a quick buck. Since the goal here at Pet bucket is to ensure a happy and healthy pet, we’ve compiled a short list of some of our favorite and most effective dog training tools.
- Shock collars:
Leash Training Harnesses:
- Leash training is one of the essential but most difficult dog training endeavors. Dogs instinctively push forward against any force pulling them backward. That can often end up with a dog half-strangling itself in an attempt to chase some squirrels. Luckily, you can avoid canine asphyxiation with some clever collar alternatives. There are harnesses that tighten around the chest and backs of dogs as they exert pressure, and the leaders that divert their momentum to the side as they rush forward. These gentle leaders can be either hooked around the chest or around the snout, so long as you don’t have a pug-faced dog. You’ll notice a huge difference in your walks if you give these momentum diverters a try.
- Clickers:
you push them. This can be used as an audible cue for your dog to pick up on whenever you feel like rewarding them for being well-behaved. It’s a simple yet extremely effective trick, and has been used as a mainstay in obedience training for many years.
Canine training tools run the gamut from simple and cheap to fancy and expensive. Use your best judgment before purchasing a training tool. It’s important to recognize your dog as an individual with distinctive reasons for his or her behavioral ticks. Make sure to always keep this in mind whenever engaging in a training session. And always avidly peruse the Pet bucket blog for more helpful training tips!